Mariah Reed and Arianna Rose in a reading of 0% Chance of Visibility by Marj O’Neill-Butler and Arianna Rose.
Synopsis: 0% Chance of Visibility
Book & Lyrics by Marj O’Neill-Butler, Music by Arianna Rose
When women reach a certain age, they often find themselves being ignored and overlooked for work, social occasions and dating. This musical, based on the short play Sneaking A Peek by Marj O’Neill-Butler, introduces us to two mature characters: Elena who is out living her life and not letting let the world dim her wants and needs; and Lorna, who has let life pass her by and who has been made to feel invisible in the world in which she lives. Elena takes Lorna in hand and informs and teaches her how to enjoy life, sex and love all over again. Here’s to all women who want to live their lives in interesting, involved and exciting ways, no matter what their age.
Lorna yearns for a world and a life where she is visible and an active player in her own life. Grappling with the physical signs of aging, she rails against a world that looks right through her.
Dismayed at finding out that Lorna wears men’s underwear, Elena sets out to do a lingerie makeover for Lorna so that she will feel more desirable. Elena describes apparel that will showcase Lorna’s assets and give her the confidence she needs to begin dating again.
After confessing that she has snuck a peak at her date’s “manlihood”, Elena elaborates on her philosophy.
Buoyed with confidence and excitement, Lorna crafts her plan for her new attitude towards life and the actions she will take to have a vibrant and interesting in life in her 60s and beyond.
A perusal copy of the libretto is available for New Play Exchange members. Click on the link below:
0% Chance of Visibility on New Play Exchange
Piano score and instrumental tracks exist for all four songs. For further information, or to request a perusal copy or performance rights, please fill out and submit the form below: